RCYF - Responsive Design for Mobile Accessibility

Overview: River City Youth Foundation, located in south Austin, is a STEM based educational nonprofit that serves low-income families with little or no access to the web.

Problem: RCYF's current website is outdated, poorly organized, and is not responsive. By creating a mobile first update we can ensure that they are able to reach clients, which for the most part can only access the web on their smart phones

My Role: UX Researcher and Designer

Tools: Adobe XD, UX Research Methods


River City Youth Foundation is a local organization that provides:

Their goals are:

Neighborhood Information

River City Youth Foundation is located in the Dove Springs Neighborhood in Southeast Austin


  • 53% of the population of Hispanic origin
  • Low-income families
  • High immigrant population with low English fluency
  • Most people served by the organization do not have a computer at home
  • Android phones is the main way in which they access the web
  • 17.6 % of people live below the poverty line

Needs of the Community

  • Education in their own language
  • Access to the internet and to computer devices
  • Youth education programs
  • Mental health-care
  • General Healthcare
  • Financial resources

Affinity Diagram

User Personas

Name: Betha Shanchez

  • Immigrant
  • Low income
  • Working mom
Goals & Needs

A better life and education for her and her children

Pain Points
  • Limited English
  • Did not finish high school
  • Limited internet access through mobile phone

Look for help from non-profits

Name: Sam Jurado

  • Newly college grad
  • Middle class
  • Single
Goals & Needs

Volunteer and gain experience to start a career

Pain Points
  • no work experience
  • narrow network
  • wants a fulfilling experience

Look for non-profits where he can volunteer

Needed Improvements:

Original Website

The old website is outdated, poorly organized, and is not accessible on mobile. Additionally, there is not a clear way to contact the organization and it's missing a clear statement of what they do. Also, the whole site is English only even though a large portion of their clients speak only Spanish.

Mind mapping

Card sorting

Feature priority matrix- after analyzing our data we decided these were our most important features:

  • Responsive website for mobile accessibility
  • Visible contact information
  • Noticeable "Donate" button
  • Spanish version of website

Sketches of Wireframes



Lo-Fi Mobile Wireframes

(Done by project's UI Designers)

Lo-Fi Desktop Wireframes


I conducted five user tests with the desktop and mobile prototypes. I asked users how they felt about the site, what they thought the organization did from looking at the homepage, and I tested whether they were able to navigate through the site and find the information they need it.

Common findings:


We conducted a couple of A/B tests to better decide the color for the call to action button, and the icons for the language switcher

Users preferred:
  • Orange “donate” button
  • Abbreviation for language toggle
  • Smaller icons for partners’ list

Mobile Hi-Fi Prototype

Desktop Hi-Fi Prototype

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, we discovered that the original website is not suited for the community that it wishes to attract. In order for the organization to reach more families they need a website in Spanish and that is mobile accessible for those parents that do not have computer at home. Additionally information needs to be better organized and contact information needs to be more accessible.

Future Opportunities